05 September 2019

Climate Changes Considered, Nothing Beats Teamwork In PH Agriculture!

Real climate change: Buying price of farmer rice murderously going down throughout the country. 
Artificial climate change: Naysayers spreading hate & loathing against government for real climate change.

Now I understand why as new Secretary of PH Agriculture, William Dar/Manong Willie came out swinging "The Eight Paradigms" coming out of "The New Thinking for Agriculture" even before he was sworn in a month ago.

In his Manila Timescolumn, "The 'New Thinking' And Dealing With Climate Change, 2nd of 2 parts" (05 September 2019, manilatimes.net), Manong Willie says:

The events during the past days (have been) quite overwhelming, as there is growing support from local government units (LGUs) to undertake collective action with the Department of Agriculture (DA) to assist their rice farmers during this time of bad, stormy weather.

Reading that, I smile because there are 2 stormy weathers I can see, natural and unnatural. The first is characterized by strong winds and heavy rains; the second is the panicky situation of falling farmer rice prices because of imports. The current PH rice crisis needs a nation-wide countervailing force. This is where nothing beats teamwork.

Now then, Manong Willie says:

As this column goes to press, a total of 30 provincial LGUs have committed to support their rice farmers by allotting funds to bankroll the buying, drying and milling of palay (unmilled rice) and the marketing of the milled rice.

(beautiful image above from Artificial Lawyer, artificiallawyer.com)

With Manong Willie, I saw the incredible value of teamwork 12 years ago when I began as international consulting writer for ICRISAT, and a year later the Institute published my first book, Team ICRISAT Champions The Poor (128 pages of 8.5" x 11" trim size), a heavy book because, one, of the thick paper! two, as a writer I had gained a wide-wide-world perspective that surprised even me; and three, because I recognized and said so in 9 big pages, 78 to 86:

An Inconvenient Truth: William Dar,
The Filipino As Global Manager.

He is the science manager who was a 15-year Director General of ICRISAT, based in India, the Captain who led his Team from being dead last to 1st among the 15 international centers of the CGIAR Group, which includes IRRI.

Now I understand why he came up with "The New Thinking for Agriculture" in which are embedded The Eight Paradigms: They need collective action to successfully implement them all!

But first, you have to understand them, so as a self-appointed disciple of Manong Willie, I have come up with a new ebook, witty and weighted:

Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained

(266 pages, of which you can get a copy free by email, frankahilario@gmail.com, any time between today and 17 September 2019, after which I will charge US$17 or P900/copy – disciples themselves need a good price for the brain food they produce.)

Now, we must remember that:

The Eight Paradigms require teamwork!

Which means we all have to work for our own good.
Which means we all have to look at the glass as half-full instead of half-empty!@

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