22 October 2019

Climate Changer – Water Vapor Or Carbon Dioxide, I Go For The Female Logic!

"Culprit in climate change is carbon dioxide" – Male science genius. 
"No. It's the water vapor!" – Female science genius.

It's American male genius vs Australian female genius, and this Filipino male genius believes the female is right and the male wrong!

Since at least 2007, I have been led to believe that it is carbon dioxide, CO2, that is the greenhouse gas warming the Earth all over – and that is why we have to stop using fossil fuel and coal as sources of energy because their uses emit CO2.

Now comes a more compelling argument for yet another greenhouse gas – the water vapor. (main image from junkscience.com)

Candace Krebs says, "Soil Ecologist Challenges Mainstream Thinking On Climate Change" (18 February 2019, La Junta Tribune-Democrat, lajuntatribunedemocrat.com). The ecologist is Christine Jones, Australian; she is speaking at the No Till on the Plains Conference in Wichita in late January:

Water that sits on top of the ground will evaporate. Water vapor, caused by water that evaporates because it hasn't infiltrated, is the greenhouse gas that has increased to the greatest extent since the Industrial Revolution.

Since man has yet to conserve water, the water vapor escapes to the skies above.

Miss Christine says:

It's a scientific fact that water vapor accounts for 95 percent of the greenhouse effect… carbon dioxide only makes up .04 percent of the atmosphere anyway. So how can a trace gas be changing the global climate?

Martin Shepherd counters by citing the American Chemical Society's ACS Climate Science Toolkit ("Water Vapor Vs Carbon Dioxide: Which 'Wins' In Climate Warming?" 20 June 2016, Forbes, forbes.com):

Water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s greenhouse effect... However, water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature... If there had been no increase in the amounts of non-condensable greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide), the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere would not have changed with all other variables remaining the same.

What?! The very first sentence quoted above agrees with Miss Christine! The next sentence has faulty logic: "Water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature." No, Mr Shepherd, we are not talking about the Earth's temperature – we are talking about the greenhouse effect that adds to the temperature of the Earth! Big difference.

Mr Shepherd insists:

If there had been no increase in the amounts of non-condensable greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide), the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere would not have changed with all other variables remaining the same.

In fact, Mr Shepherd, with all those other variables remaining the same, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere keeps changing (adding) because of man's profligate use of water!

Ah, Mr Shepherd insists that nitrogen and oxygen are "the most abundant gases" and that they "exhibit virtually no warming effect." So what! They do not absorb the heat of the sun like water vapor does.

It's agriculture that is the culprit in climate change, not the industries!@

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