08 August 2021

How Agriculture Can Resolve The Dilemma Of Greenhouse Gases!

On Facebook, Bonar Laureto’s sharing from the World Resources Institute was “10 Key Solutions Needed To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” My comment was:

I can give another one (key solution): guess! The World Resources Institute did not look or investigate wide or deep enough! Will write on this.

So here am I. Here are the items in the hard-to-read WRI list of 10 above:

1.     PHASE OUT coal plants.

2.     INVEST in clean energy & efficiency.

3.     RETROFIT buildings.

4.     DECARBONIZE cement, steel & plastics.

5.     SHIFT to electric vehicles.

6.     INCREASE public transport.

7.     DECARBONIZE aviation and shipping.

8.     HALT deforestation & RESTORE degraded lands.

9.     REDUCE food loss and waste.

10. EAT more plants & less meat.

(In the above list, “Decarbonize” is repeated, in #4 and #7 – that tells me WRI did not examine their examination of the matter!

Even granting that WRI is correct, how soon do we get measurable results from any of the “key solutions” to reduce climate change? I’m waiting!

Now, I personally know of a single step to reduce GGs instantly and massively! It’s in Agriculture, which the “10 Key Solutions” miss entirely. I call it:

Green Agriculture Solution (GAS).

I assure you GAS works immediately and literally, eliminating greenhouse gas from Agriculture!

Do you know how big, colossal, gargantuan, immense, massive the results of stepping up on Frank A Hilario’s GAS will be to the whole world? First, know that in my country the Philippines alone, there are 13 million hectares of agricultural land[1]. Immediately zero – applying GAS, there will be zero chemical fertilizer runoffs, zero nitrates from field irrigation water running into streams, zero ammonia from animals’ waste!

This is how my Green Agriculture Solution works:

With crop leftovers and/or weeds on your field, run a rotavator superficially, blades cutting down to only 2-3 inches of the soil surface, thoroughly cutting & mixing soil with vegetation. That is your instant & field-wide application of organic matter.

If you doubt the wisdom of FAH as all gas, I challenge you to set everything up in your field, in my presence, plant rice whichever variety you want the way you want it – and watch what happens from planting to harvesting. My GAS is all green; no chemical fertilizers applied, no chemical pesticides sprayed – and no organic fertilizer of any kind concocted and spread all across the field either.

Why? Because my Green Agriculture Solution will produce the organic fertilizer necessarily and automatically.

Once you apply my GAS, these will happen immediately:

(1)   GGs will be reduced to nada, nil, none, zero – simply because you don’t apply chemical fertilizers.

(2)   Farm will instantly become richer in plant nutrients – you incorporate organic materials, and that happens the very first minute you cultivate the soil.

(3)   Soil in the field will not erode, and the moisture will be retained, by the organic materials.

Where my GAS formula is applied in any farm or garden devoted to crops & livestock, these will be the instant results: zero greenhouse gases & healthy foods!@517


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