18 September 2021

The Future Of Us & The Future Of Agriculture

Yesterday, 17 September 2021, was my birthday; now 81 – what is The Future Of Me? I pray to God I will live forever! At least up to 100. What is The Future Of Man? Let’s see!

“What is the Future of Agriculture & Farming Techniques?[1] ANN asks (Author Not Named, 31 July 2021, Scynce LED, Scynceled.com; upper image from this website). The givens are:

Agriculture is the backbone of societies across the world… With the global population expected to peak at 9.7 billion by 2050, experts predict worldwide production must increase by 70% within the next 30 years.

Contrariwise, the pertinent lessons I have learned as a warrior writer – no, not a worrier writer– in the last 57 years counting when I graduated from UP Los Baños, are these givens:

1.     Nature: It must be understood.

2.     Agriculture: It must be changed.

3.     Population: It must be positioned.

4.     Production: It must be qualified.

Nature to be understood

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin was a Catholic priest, philosopher and scientist. Of him, Mareike Christin Dornhege says (“The Role Of Nature For The Future Of Man[2],” website source of lower image above):

De Chardin reminds us that (we) humans, albeit the highest point of organization and consciousness in evolution, must not forget (our) roots. And our roots are in this world, to which we are deeply connected… Hence, it is within our best interest… (to) increase our “scope for action” and preserve God’s creation, including plants, animals and ourselves.

Conservation is a mandate of the Divine!

Agriculture to be changed

I say agriculture should be producing healthy foods. There are many organic ways of growing crops and livestock, but they are not being explored extensively because chemical methods provide faster, wider and higher incomes.

Population to be positioned

The “rampant” increase in population continues to be the whipping horse of the United Nations and its agencies. The real problem is economic astigmatism! Thus: The local approachable moneylenders rob the farmers blind even if they are related in blood or in law.

Production increase to be qualified

Production efficiencyis the hugher problem, not increase. Example: Most Filipino farmers do not observe the proper age of transplanting rice – they transplant when these are a month old, when the root system easily breaks, delaying recovery, wasting growing time. They also do not observe the proper & equal distancing of seedlings, to allow adequate and healthy growth. Unknowingly, they also transplant too many seedlings!

The Scynce LED Solution: Forget Outdoor Farming!

Instead of helping solve the problems it enumerated above and which I dissected, the Scynce LED solution is indoor farming – that is to say, leave the outdoor farmers alone to worry about their problems!

ANN says:

At Scynce LED, we are firm believers that farming in the future will predominantly occur within an indoor environment. Technology has reached a point where indoor future farming techniques can quickly overthrow traditional soil farming.

No, ladies & gentlemen, I do not favor the idea that man can “overthrow traditional soil farming”!@517



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