13 November 2021

I Alumnus Challenge UPLB To Lead SCUs In Teaching Regenerative Agriculture!

now believe that not only is Regenerative Agriculture (RA) good for Farmers and Consumers of Food From Farms, but also Our Earth Combatting Climate Change. So, I am urging my alma mater, UP Los Baños, to lead all those State Colleges & Universities (SCUs) in training on RA. Via Multiple Intelligences (MI). And enjoy while learning!
(“Garden Family” image[1] from Megafood.com, posterized by me)

Now, that’s a double mouthful, and mindful: RA and MI. In the Philippines, you learn neither in school. Exactly! That’s why I’m proposing that the SCUs teach them, because I know if they wanted to teach well, they would have to learn and enjoy while learning RA and MI.

Multiple Intelligences

In 1983, Harvard psychology professor Howard Gardner outed his ground-breaking and mind-boggling educational theory multiple intelligences via his book Frames Of Mind published by Basic Books (New York). The educational world has never been the same again!

Here are the 9 intelligences, from Adioma[2]:

Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)
Existential (life smart)
Interpersonal (people smart)
Intra-personal (self smart)
Linguistic (word smart)
Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)
Musical (sound smart)
Naturalist (nature smart)
Spatial (picture smart).

In 1987, would-be Secretary of Economic Planning Cielito F Habito and his wife Pilar Relova set up the Cahbriba Alternative School Foundation at Los Baños, Laguna to offer MI to high school youths. Cahbriba did it by offering so-called Learning Centers within regular HS subjects. That crucial piece of information has just been provided me by my daughter Neenah Bonafe, who studied at Cahbriba, together with brother Edwin Dante and sister Graciela Antonia; Neenah graduated from there.

There is more. ANN says (“The Habitos Wage A Silent Revolution In Laguna[3] Author Not Named, 12 Nov 2001, PhilStar.com):

(Neenah) Hilario, a senior, says she learns more from being exposed to the realities in a community than from being confined to a classroom. "Here, you learn more from asking and talking to people." (They went out to communities, took even a whole-day field trip.)

In the traditional school where I came from, teachers focus on getting the correct answers from their students. Here at Cahbriba, there are no right or wrong answers. What teachers want to hear are our opinions – and we have a lot," freshman Katrina Distor said.

With MI, you enjoy as you learn more!

Regenerative Agriculture

To revolutionize PH teaching, the SCUs must employ MI methods within their subjects, such as Learning Centers as Neenah pointed out.

Following my essay yesterday, Friday, 12 Nov 2021, “RedRag – Redemptive Education for Regenerative Agriculture, Thinking 2021 Digital Magazine[4]” (Communication for Development, Blogspot.com), I’m thinking of high schools all over the country adopting MI curricula, whether agricultural or not. We will probably need the consultative services of Ms Pilar of Cahbriba who can talk about her actual experiences and possible experimentations.

Thus, we will encourage all those highschoolers to explore the wide & wonderful world of Regenerative Agriculture using the bright and beautiful mode of learning called Multiple Intelligences. Learning has never been more exciting!@517





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